At QYS, our youth organization services assist in the transition from foster care to adult living. Transition to Adult Living (TAL) is designed for male and female youth ages 17-21 who are transitioning out of a residential care setting. We offer structured apartment settings within certified foster homes to assist with TAL.
TAL is a 6-month program designed to motivate, teach skills, and help youth see success. The Transition plan required outlines the goal of each youth and what they need to do in order to reach those goals.
How Does TAL Work?
A caseworker or designated welfare professional provides foster children support so they can develop a transition plan. This is largely dictated by the child, as they have their own personal goals and educational aspirations. There are requirements for the plan that include: specific options for housing, education, health insurance, employment services, and continued support services.
As outlined by DCFS, transition planning allows them to take charge of their future. There are requirements set forth in order to ensure every foster child has the full opportunity and ample time to take advantage of TAL and all of the benefits it has to offer.
How Foster Parents Can Help with the Transition to Adulthood
If you are a foster parent, you are in a position to offer a great deal of help in preparing a child for a successful future as they transition. Aid and encourage them to learn the skills of independence, both personally and financially.
How to Work with Youth to Develop a Transition Plan:
Listen and discuss opportunities for youth to practice new skills
Advocate for them by learning about their rights to education and healthcare
Find support for youth by networking
Establish your relationship and help them navigate future meaningful relationships
How to Support Finding Employment, Housing, Education, and Health Support:
Empower youth to make the right decisions by listening, guiding, and supporting
Allow them to make choices and face consequences in a safe environment
Create positivity by talking less about limitations and more about raising their expectations
Help them look to the future by talking about it and what they can achieve in everyday conversations
Start early when preparing youth for adulthood, like discussing finances and understanding the costs of living
Gradually decrease control by allowing them to have more control when making choices and setting their own boundaries
Allow youth to set consequences for their own behavior through open discussions so they can practice valuable life skills
Basic Information and Things to Know Before You Apply for the TAL Scholarship
Transition to Adult Living Scholarship:
The purpose of the Olene S. Walker Transition to Adult Living (TAL) Scholarship is to provide financial support to eligible adolescents who are transitioning out of Utah state foster care or the unaccompanied refugee minor program in order to complete a degree or certificate program at a Utah System of Higher Education institution. Also, the TAL Scholarship is funded by private donors and my529, Utah's official 529 educational savings plan.
Applicants are selected based on a strong desire to complete a postsecondary program of study, potential for academic success, and financial need.
Scholarship Amount:
The maximum yearly TAL Scholarship award is $5,000 for full‐time enrollment consisting of 12 or more credit hours, $3,750 for three‐quarters time enrollment consisting of 9 to 11 hours, and $2,500 for part‐time enrollment consisting of 6 to 8
The TAL Scholarship can be renewed depending on factors that include: academic progress, meeting scholarship requirements, and availability of funds. Students must re‐apply each year to renew the TAL Scholarship.
Use of Funds: TAL Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees, living expenses, books, and supplies.
Youth Organization and Transition Plan
Federal law requires the child welfare agency to assist the youth in developing a customized transition plan within the 90-day period preceding their 18th birthday or the date they are scheduled to leave foster care. Housing, education, employment, health insurance, a health care proxy or power of attorney, mentoring, and support services are all options that must be included in the plan. The caseworker meets with the adolescent and other adults they trust when choosing to develop the plan. These adults can be their birth parents or other relatives as well as you as the foster parent. It is at their discretion. Although the law specifies a 90-day period, the majority of children will benefit from additional time to prepare. There are also no restrictions on starting much sooner than what the law requires.